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We support clients with Service & Therapy Dog needs! 

Service and Therapy Dogs can greatly enrich human lives!  Service Dogs can assist humans with restricted mobility, PTSD, Autism, visual/hearing impairments, medical issues and much, much more!  Possibilities are endless in the different types of tasks these working dogs can perform for their humans!  Therapy Dogs can assist in the workplace, hospitals, nursing homes, counseling centers, schools, dental offices, literacy programs, public conferences, and so much more!  Therapy Dogs can bring comfort young children who experience anxiety with learning to read, interacting with peers, or who have experienced well as the to the elderly who are shut-ins, grieving, or lonely. 

At Lee Family Puppies we have a passion for raising puppies that are candidates for these great works.  We work closely with families to assess their needs and determine if one of our puppies would be an asset to them.  We will collect some basic information during an initial consult, and collaborate with our trainer, and then facilitate networking between client and trainer if the client does not already have a trainer contracted.  All Service Dog clients will be matched to the litter that has the greatest number of prospective puppy candidates capable of completing the service tasks their owners would require of them.

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